Your money is worth 25% less since January 2020
Inflation is a serious issue. Since the money printers went wild after COVID-19, US consumer prices have gone up by 25%. This is a subtle form of theft, but the people are starting to wise up to it.
It's time to trade your stablecoins in for flatcoins
Nuon v2 features the most simple user experience possible. For every stablecoin deposited, the protocol returns one Nuon. On top of the inflation-protection Nuon provides, minters also earn nuMINT rewards.

The inflation adjustment streams directly to your wallet in real time
Even though stablecoins lose their purchasing power, the dollar peg sure makes them convenient. Nuon is the best of both worlds. Each Nuon is pegged to one US dollar, and the rebasing mechanism streams new Nuon tokens directly into your wallet throughout the day.
“Flatcoins are...a better form of money in the crypto space”
Brian Armstrong